everything is temporary

Butterfly is the symbol for longevity

I saw that there was nothing magical about any large surface by itself and that any such surface revealed at once its derivation from the palette; but through another surface, opposed to it, this surface acquired indeed a magic power, so that its origin on the palette seemed unbelievable at first impression.

Kandinsky, Reminiscence (N. Arnheim, 362).

How does technology infiltrate our perception of the world when prinmaking which blends the science and the deeply poetic?

Confounding binaries such as abstraction and figuration, zinc etchings trouble received ideas of form and formalism.

fear of anxiety

Aluminium etching exploration of the human body’s vulnerability.

All great boredom killers tell a story. The bat was the symbol for happiness, the crab for success, and the butterfly for longevity or the basket of flowers associated with fecundity.

In his Manifesto of Surrealism, André Breton said: “If the depths of our mind contain within it strange forces capable of augmenting those on the surface, or of waging a victorious battle against them, there is every reason to seize them. It is not the fear of madness which will oblige us to leave the flag of imagination furled. The case against the realistic attitude demands to be examined.”.

make me smile

Art is eloquent of the mode of life, watching as the shadows race through walls and cracks and leave no trace, forget to the flatness of collages and stickers as metaphor of the hollow society and its superficial existence. You are not a purely a visual artist.
